Steel products are usually produced by cold-rolling and hot-rolling methodologies. In cold rolling, the steel section is formed at a low temperature. In the meantime, during hot rolling, the billet is heated to a temperature of 930 degrees Celsius. This makes the product dark and dull in terms of color. As a result, the metal sheet produced by this method is black (Hot Rolled Sheet). This product is also called metal sheet and since it is produced by hot rolling method, it is also known as hot metal sheet in the market.
The production process of black sheet makes it durable and strong. So, it would be suitable for making other steel products.
Compared to other sheets, the production of black sheet is less expensive and its selling price is also lower, although it is of high quality.
Other properties of black sheet include high malleability, mach inability and strength.
According to its standards and features, hot sheet has different applications. Since black sheet is a basic and practical product, it is used to produce all kinds of profiles such as studs, cold-rolled sheet, angle bar, t-beam, Z-bar, frame, etc.
It is also used in various industries such as shipbuilding, marine industries, car manufacturing, agricultural equipment production, oil tankers, military equipment manufacturing, pressure tanks, transportation and road equipment manufacturing as well as aerospace industries.