Following the shocking news from Woodside Petroleum, Russian oil heavy Lukoil has joined Senegal as a major partner in the oil project.
A $ 400 billion deal to sell a 40 percent stake in Cair Energy in the Sangamur oil project to Lokoil has pushed up oil prices.
Where the young partner of FAR Ltd, after financing this costly project, has announced the fall in oil prices in whole or in part of its shares for sale.
Woodside, which owns 35% of the project, is the main candidate, but FAR shares are expected to consider other options.
As a result, Sangomar’s position is the second joint venture that Woodside can use preemptive rights to prevent unwanted partner entry. CEO Peter Coleman has previously stated that pre-sales at North West Shelf LNG investment facilities in Western Australia, where Chevron has indicated its intention to sell, and Woodside do not want “the wrong people to move side by side” “They recommend.” .
Credit suisse energy analyst believes Woodside wants to increase its sangamur stock, or perhaps consider a different JV layout and seek to sell or pre-sell its stock.
“But Woodside has other M&A opportunities, including possibly FAR shares in Sangomar.”
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